
Books to buy

written by

Dorota Ziemba-Milek

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Paperback  or   Hardcover

Paperback  or   Hardcover

Paperback  or   Hardcover

Paperback  or   Hardcover

Paperback  or   Hardcover

Paperback  or   Hardcover


I am happy with the courage and determination

Now, after several years of therapeutic work, I can say that every day I am happy with the courage and determination I have shown and I am calm that I have fully discovered my calling. It is sharing knowledge, helping people in the process of change and teaching how to break free from imposed dogmas to discover yourself and live happily.

In addition to individual therapies, I conduct workshops and lectures.

Dorota Ziemba-Milek

Book Author – M.Sc.Eng. Mechtronics, Master MBA  &   Spiritual Conselor, Recall Healing Facilitator, QHHT Therapist, Lecturer


written by

Dorota Ziemba-Milek

The book that  opens the door to a world where you start to have a real impact on your experience. 
It is a cross-section of the latest knowledge and a daily guide to methods of working with consciousness and subconsciousness in achieving a positive change in life, your own or your loved ones.
The author invites to choose a method either from those intended for people who approach life in a very rational way, or from those that will suit those who perceive existence in an intuitive way. 
 In the book you will find methods that effectively remove entries in the subconscious mind that are the cause of adverse experiences (diseases, ailments, strong emotions and blockades). Using them, you can change your life, heal the body, get rid of what you see as negative and hindering you in achieving success.
Does not impose a procedure.   
It encourages you to start changing your life by using methods 
that will convince you and inspire your trust. 
drawings & tables
methods with full description step by step


I read the book “You are your own master!” Three times in three years. She played a very important function in my life, thanks to her I changed several scenarios of my life. I read it every time being a different person on the path of self-development. Each time I approached reading more consciously. Each subsequent reading provided me with further clues that I found there. […]

I recommend the book with all my heart, it is a great position on the publishing market, available to those who are interested in the world viewed from different perspectives and interested in methods leading to broadly understood personality development.



I was lucky enough to open (open to) the book, whose first three chapters changed my approach to attempts to influence fate, unusually honestly and professionally introducing into the basics of psychology – so as to understand how we perceive the world, the mechanisms of our thinking, actions and finally learn methods of management them. […]

The ideas presented are explained with a special thought in mind for readers who differ from each other in the way they perceive reality, and none of them is hierarchized or valued. It does not matter, therefore, whether we reach for the book with the hope of its therapeutic support or want to satisfy the government of factual knowledge. The author took into account the preferences of rational readers who could not do without scientific facts, as well as those more emotional recipients.

Kamila Gorzkiewicz


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